Day: 357
Goal: Make time to breath
So as you know (oh, humble void), there is a lot on my plate, and as of last week, I added a lot more things. Thirty to be exact. My bestie, Kasey, was in the middle of listening to me vent to her on the phone (while I was sitting in traffic of course), and she made this comment… “Why don’t you quit your jobs and just be a yoga teacher?”
(Long. Long. Pause.)
Two things are important to consider in Kasey’s question: 1. She used the term jobSsss, which says to me, already, something is wrong with this picture, and 2. Why DON’T I quit my jobSsss and just be a yoga teacher? I think maybe I forget that normal people don’t have 3 jobs, and that maybe (just maybe) this is the source of my stress, anxiety, and (quite frankly) my lack of a love-life. My friend Heather says I should take something off the 30 bucket and add, “Have only ONE job” as one of my goals before I’m thirty. It’s a great idea, and I hear what both of these girls are saying, but there must be some other reason (besides enjoying making enough money to NOT live with my mom anymore), that I feel compelled to have three jobs that barely allow me to scrape by (in fact my parents would say I’m not even there yet… this is true. I’d still be at home if it weren’t for their frequent and generous “bail” money), instead of having just one job that could offer me financial and MENTLE stability!! Ahhh, stability, do we meet again? Is it you giving me a sign? Telling me that it could be just this easy to have you in my life again?
There must be something about free time that scares me… why else would I be so self-destructive?
Went for dinner and happy hour with Sean and his friend Carpet Connor tonight. Really fun to sit and chat with people who don’t know my daily life. Wish Sean lived a little closer… not that Costa Mesa is that far away, but it isn’t exactly convenient. Right now we barely hang out once a month and that’s a bummer cause he’s good people.
Anyway, I’m sure at some point I’m going to get started on this crazy list of mine. It’s not going to complete itself so I better get crackin’ before some smart ass tries to doubt my ambition…
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